


The State of Israel has spoken

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

The President of the State of Israel is the expression of the State of Israel. He is the human face of the political entity Israel. Practically speaking, according to the basic law, the president is the head of state. And he determined that the laws of Levin, Rothman and Smotrich should be removed from the agenda.

To also clarify in practice what the president thinks about the despicable tract of laws, he presented alternative legislation that preserves the independence of the judiciary, being one of the three cornerstones of a democratic state. Therefore, it can now be said that the State of Israel has said its word, and its words are simple and pointed: "The current legislative outline is predatory and wrong and undermines our democratic foundations" said Israel through the mouth of its head, President Herzog. As you can see in our main headline, it turns out that the president also has powers to stop the regime in Israel from becoming a dictatorship; And considering his words, it is possible that he will do so.

Until this moment, this interpretation of the position of the head of state as the voice of Israel, is widespread and known among all Israelis. The interpretation is also derived from the symbol of the presidency, the temple menorah which is our national symbol as religion and nation. In the next moment, after Israel is freed from the stranglehold of the people of the extreme right against its democratic foundations in the political system, we will all have to anchor through an amendment to the President's Basic Law, the position of the President as a person who is authorized to speak on behalf of the fundamental principles of Israel, and anchor this place as part of changing the public structure of Israel and the establishment of an upper house of electors. In the past, we proposed basic principles for the house, as a moral authority, and as a historical arena for East-West intercommunal reconciliation, and we even proposed a name for a rehabilitation house: Beit Atzeret Am.

In this manner of establishing an elected house that will be the arena of the public discourse of the president of the country, the voice of the president will also no longer be exclusive and isolated even if it is Israel's voice, but this voice will also be subject to constitutional public review by an upper elected house. According to our view, the house should have three forums, executive, decision-making, and a four-yearly conference with constitutional validity – a people's assembly. In our opinion, the decision-making forum should have one elected for every ten thousand Israelis, and she, the candidate, will be elected in community elections, clearly non-partisan, according to all Israeli communities.