The Chief of Staff presented to the families of the observers, and to the surviving observers, the army's investigation into the fall of Nahal Oz (the main points of the investigation: the IDF ignored the warnings, the IDF did not place forces on the line, the investigation does not contain personal conclusions, but only general ones). The families of the observers rejected the investigation in anger, demanded that it be shelved, and demanded a state commission of inquiry with personal conclusions towards the political echelon And the military. We don't know if the investigation will be shelved. Or will it only be postponed in order to include the testimonies of the female observers who returned from captivity, and we do not know if the Chief of Staff anticipated the opposition that would arise from the presentation of the investigation, and thus expressed his position regarding the urgent duty to establish a state commission of inquiry
On Sunday October 15, 2023, a week and a day after the fall of Nahal Oz, we exclusively published here the story of the many warnings that the female observers sent to the IDF, and the answer they received: it's OK. The article caused a shock in the Israeli public and in the world, mainly because it presented the striking similarity between the destruction of October 1973, and the conception that caused it, and the destruction of October 7, 2023, which was also caused by the same conception: the enemy will not attack, and everything that the soldiers see on the front, does not express the "real" reality. This week, the IDF completed the investigation of the military failure that led to the fall of Nahal Oz, the death of 54 IDF soldiers in the outpost, and the kidnapping of 10 IDF soldiers, including 7 female observers and 3 armored fighters. The parents of the female observers furiously opposed the publication of the investigation and demanded the immediate establishment of a state commission of inquiry, which would investigate both the political and military ranks, and publish personal conclusions.
By Mati Cohen
We do not know if the Chief of Staff, Major General Herzi Halevi, whose strength, values and military talents led the IDF to one of its greatest victories since the dawn of the revival, knew in advance what the reaction of the female observers and their families would be when he presented them with the investigation of the fall of Nahal Oz. We do not (also) know whether the Chief of Staff actually expressed a position in presenting the investigation that requires the establishment of a state commission of inquiry. Our assessment is that Major General Halevi, who will retire from the IDF in about three weeks, requires the establishment of a state commission of inquiry, which will break down the entire picture of reality, and bring to the public the details of the political and military failure of the Netanyahu government, including the people responsible for the failure, and the details of the military and security failure and the ignoring of the observational warnings, including the IDF soldiers responsible for the failure. Publication of the investigation into the fall of Nahal Oz, if it had taken place in a normal media publication procedure, could, in our estimation, have been used by the political echelon to point to the sole responsibility of the IDF for the fall of Nahal Oz, and his sole responsibility for the October 7 disaster. In our estimation, Chief of Staff Halevi also assessed this, and therefore acted to place the investigation of the fall of Nahal Oz, in the national arena – which is the arena in which the destruction events of October 1973 were placed, and in which the events of the destruction of October 2023 should also be placed.
The IDF's investigation points to three main findings: one, there were not enough defense forces in the first line. Second, the IDF ignored the many warnings sent by the observers to Southern Command intelligence. The third, the picture of the investigation is general, and does not come down to personal conclusions against the commanders and soldiers of the IDF and the Southern Command. Since the investigation is primarily intended to draw military lessons, and not to the arena of public and national needs, its language is military, and it is focused on the military profession, and on the failure of the military system. The families of the female observers demand that lessons and personal conclusions be drawn up in the national-public arena, which will put the loss of life of 54 IDF soldiers at the Nahal Oz outpost, and the risk of the existence of the State of Israel, in their national meaning, and not only in their narrow military meaning.