

Jihad accepts the senior leadership of the Hamas

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad last week (probably from a distance) spoke at the organization's event in Gaza, and said that unity with Hamas, and the existence of a common war room, are a deep need of the Palestinian people. News about this appeared in Hezbollah's Al Manar. In these words, Nachala states that Jihad prefers to repair its relations with Hamas over its relations with Hezbollah, and it complies with Hamas's demand that Jihad act as a protege of Hamas in Gaza, and not as an organization equivalent to Hamas.
Hamas, according to an important Palestinian security source that we quoted here last week, concluded that Jihad could have done to Hamas what Hamas did to Fatah in 2007, and taken over the Gaza Strip. Following this decision, Hamas took part in the extradition of the head of the Islamic Jihad in the West Bank, an event which led to a clash between the Jihad and Israel (see issue 56).
Hamas realized that Hezbollah acts in a way that greatly strengthens the jihad, and causes the organization to act independently, and not under the auspices of Hamas. This reasoning also led to tension between Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. In his words, Nachala put an end to this incident, and his words apparently constitute compliance with Hamas's demand to operate in the Gaza Strip under the auspices of Hamas, as its protégé and not as its equal.
In his words, the head of jihad even pointed to the entity that betrayed the head of jihad in the West Bank, saying that "Palestinian security organizations (of the PA, tipp) pursue and arrest resistance activists." In his words, Nachala ignored the fact that Hamas took part in the extradition of the head of the jihad in the West Bank.