

Ramallah fears a coup

A source in the Palestinian Authority: "a stupid Israeli security system increases the power of Iran and the opponents of Abu Mazen in Jenin"

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

Jenin should be said, it is a code name for the security chaos that is spreading throughout the West Bank, and not just the city where all the Palestinian faction’s live side by side and present this chaos. The governmental chaos in Jenin has even reached Ramallah, after in recent weeks we exclusively reported here on Iranian money seized there, and on the organization of 19 Hamas members, which was uncovered in a carpentry, a short distance from the heart of the Palestinian Authority of Abu Mazen and Fatah. Jenin is also the reason why Israel criticizes the Palestinian Authority for not being able to govern in its territories, and Jenin is also the reason for the answer to the Israeli criticism that was given to us this week by a Palestinian source saying: "The Israeli security system has become a stupid system, the head of the army is behaving stupidly and the head of the Shin Bet is behaving stupidly, because when they send an army into Jenin and Nablus and the surrounding villages every day, it shows that 70 years have passed but they still haven't learned our mentality. Because when they enter with soldiers and vehicles and weapons, and despise the Palestinians, they only cause more and more Palestinians to join the circle of fighting. Because Iran and its representatives from the Islamic Jihad are just waiting for such things to develop, they immediately jump on these new Palestinians who join the fight, and finance them with everything, the main thing is that they fight. And so, it turns out that Israel wants to defeat the Palestinians who are fighting against it, and instead it increases their number, and they get richer and stronger, and that's how Iran keeps getting stronger in the West Bank."

Another factor in the ruling chaos is Abu Mazen's intention to appoint Hussein al-Sheikh as his successor. Abu Mazen intends to act to this end after his speech at the Security Council which is expected to be around the month of November, as we exclusively reported here; Even if Abu Mazen does not say these things in public, through an interview or a speech, he intends to act within the systems of the Palestinian government and make it clear that Hussein al-Sheikh is his political successor. Abu Mazen's people are already preparing for the political elimination of Jibril Rajoub, who in their eyes threatens the smooth entry of Hussein al-Sheikh into office, and they also intend to reach an agreement with Marwan Barghouti who is in prison in Israel.

Our assessment is that Rajoub and Barghouti will not surrender to the intention to eliminate them politically, and since both have a lot of power in the Palestinian street, this power may join forces against Abu Mazen, and add to the governmental chaos. This force also includes Fatah and Tanzim operatives, who may turn their weapons against Ramallah; About a month ago we reported here about a near rebellion by Tanzim activists against Abu Mazen. In this context, Israel should probably prepare for the possibility that there will be a new reality in the West Bank and prepare for dialogue with Rajoub and Barghouti and others.

The forces that are not completely loyal to Abu Mazen, may also make an alliance with Hamas, and jointly threaten Ramallah. A source in the PA told us about two months ago about negotiations that took place between PLO and Fatah and Hamas. On the Hamas side was the head of Hamas in the West Bank, Dr. Nasr Aladin Al-Sha'ar. The source said that Fatah stopped these negotiations after it became clear to them that Hamas does not want to join PLO at all, but intends to replace PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. About two weeks after the negotiations with Hamas were terminated, Tanzim operatives were assassinated in Nablus in Dr. Nasr Aladin Al-Sha'ar and he was injured in his legs. Therefore, the intention of Hamas to stage a coup in Ramallah is, in the eyes of the leadership in Mokata, not ambiguous. Incidentally, this occurrence does not contradict the possibility that Tanzim and Fatah activists loyal to Rajoub and Barghouti will make an alliance with Hamas.

However, there is probably no chance that Hamas will join forces with Iran, not even just to topple Abu Mazen, because Hamas has concluded that the Islamic Jihad, i.e., Iran, aims to step into its shoes, and oust it from power in the Gaza Strip, and from its power in the West Bank. Hamas considers itself the representative of the Palestinian people since it won the parliamentary elections in 2006. Following this decision by Hamas, the organization took part in the extradition of the head of the Islamic Jihad to Israel, which led to a military conflict between Israel and the Jihad.

The leadership of Ramallah has a large part in this chaos, which may lead to its downfall, not only because it has run out of power to govern the territories of the PA, but also because it has established, in a socio-economic sense, four Palestinian nations in the West Bank. One is with the people whose livelihood and well-being come from and derive from the Palestinian Authority. The other people are the landowners. The third is the Palestinian working population in Israel, and the fourth is the destitute, many of whom are now joining the circle of fighting against Israel, and may, as mentioned, add a threat to the central government in Ramallah. The differences between these 4 factions are very large.