

Important statements by the Palestinian president in Saudi Arabia. Breaking News

Abu Mazen: We reject the attack on civilians on October 7. The bloodshed must be stopped

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

The words of the Palestinian president add to the words of a source in his environment according to which Abu Mazen would be ready to commit to an agreement for the demilitarization of the Strip, to disarm Hamas, and to bring about the return of the abductees.


Meir Gurno, Avraham Yaakov, Mati Cohen


The Palestinian president said yesterday in Saudi Arabia that on the seventh of October there was an attack on civilians, and the Palestinian Authority, and he, "and we all" reject it completely. The Palestinian president made three demands of the PA, in our estimation as a hint that he wants to enter into negotiations with Israel regarding the Palestinian Authority's entry into Gaza. His first demand is to stop the bloodshed. Our interpretation: In this Abu Mazen does not demand the end of the war as a precondition before the Palestinian Authority fulfills its obligations in the agreement it will negotiate with Israel regarding its entry into Gaza.

According to an important Palestinian source, Abu Mazen will be ready to commit to the demilitarization of the Strip (he may want to use Egyptian forces to strengthen his rule), and will also be ready to commit to disarming Hamas, and will be ready to commit to bringing about the release of the kidnapped.

The second and third points in Abu Mazen's speech in Saudi Arabia yesterday, related to Israel's duty, according to him, to prevent the immigration of Palestinians from Gaza, as well as to agree to free movement in the Gaza Strip. In our opinion, the last point regarding the need to prevent the immigration of Palestinians, the president mainly makes to the ears of Egypt, to get its support and maybe even its acceptance of the responsibility for this.

A political source told us today that Defense Minister Galant's words, including the demand to introduce an alternative government to Gaza, were said in coordination with Benny Gantz, and with the support of the defense establishment. In this context, Abu Mazen's words are very important. In our estimation, the words of the Palestinian president are even coordinated with the president of Egypt, and both personalities emphasized the demand from Israel to prevent the immigration of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.