

"Egypt is capable of any war"

Egypt is threatening Israel again and this time the word "war" is mentioned in the text it published: "Egypt does
not seek war but is capable of any war The head of the Egyptian information system: "Israel is about to sacrifice the greatest prize in its history, which is relations with Egypt."

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

Israel allegedly ignored Egypt's warnings which we published here exclusively in March, including the introduction of missiles into Sinai in violation of the peace agreement. We do not know if Israel will ignore the current threat as well. Behind the scenes, Israel held a dialogue with Egypt in March, and in our estimation, it will continue and is continuing even now. Egypt, on the other hand, ignores, at least in its announcements in March and in its current announcement, that the Grand Prize is not one-sided, and that it is a peace agreement between countries and not a bingo competition.


By Mati Cohen

The head of the information system in the Egyptian government, Dia Rashwan, on Friday intensified the Egyptian statement towards Israel, when he included the term "war" in his words aimed at Israel. Rashwan said that "Egypt is not looking for any war but is capable of any war." Rashwan said these things in a telephone interview with an Egyptian journalist (a photo of an Egyptian news site where Rashwan's words were published is attached as a screenshot here on the left). Rashwan added that "Israel is about to sacrifice the greatest prize in its history, which is relations with Egypt." A Palestinian security source told us this weekend that Egypt is putting forces in Sinai, mainly around Rafah, to prevent any movement of Palestinians into Egypt, and he does not know of a concentration of forces in other areas of Sinai.

An Israeli security source said that Egypt did indeed build up forces in Rafah but did not continue to build up forces in Sinai "since it has no need, because following the war against ISIS, it brought enough forces into Sinai with Israel's consent." In March of this year, we reported that Egypt warned Israel that the entry of the IDF into Rafah would trigger a response from Egypt. In the same month, we also reported that Egypt brought missiles into Sinai in violation of the peace agreement, and also increased the number of tanks in Sinai, again in violation of the peace agreement with Israel, and she did all this demonstratively, in broad daylight, when photos of the missiles being transported to Sinai reached a social network. Here In March we published the picture of the missile transfer to Sinai, we are now bringing the picture again see here on the left.