

Annihilation threats for breakfast

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

Last week we brought here the story of the Iranian oppressor Khamenei, who after meeting with Russian President Putin, began quoting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which are the Russian book of abomination, which in their light, the German genocide, for six years, a third of the Jewish people. As far as we know, no other newspaper mentioned it, we just got used to it. Khamenei, amazingly, went through the deep experience in peace. A threat of annihilation for us is like a travel warning for other nations. Public Israel did not respond to the threat, nor did political Israel, which does not find the proper response to something that is so unusual in political codes. What other country in the world receives a threat of annihilation every day, and must deal with such an extraordinary reality, alone, in two main senses: in the social sense and in the political and military sense?
In the social sense, the important Israeli newspapers were supposed to respond on behalf of the public, since an institution that expresses the Israeli public deeply and fully, and which can speak on behalf of the Israeli public (and not on behalf of the Israeli political parties or the political system), still does not exist in Israel. In the US, the American Congress does it, and to be precise, it means the upper house, while the president speaks on behalf of the American state. In Israel, it is done by the heads of ruling parties, and the press. As things have developed in the Israeli public, these two bodies are part of the Israeli political establishment, and they are not the authentic representatives of Israeli society. On the other hand, the heaviest price for the threats of annihilation is not paid by the Israeli state, but by Israeli society, and these threats have a decisive effect on the way in which Israeli social life, the economy, law, political affiliation, and more have developed.
Israeli society, or the Israeli public, should respond to any genocidal threat against Israel. They could have instructed the Knesset, for example, to enact a law according to which a threat of extermination against Israel is grounds for war, and the individual who threatens extermination against Israel will be sentenced, in his presence or not, in an Israeli court, or in an Israeli military court. Israeli society should be present in this question, that is the point.
Last week, the criminal-psychopath Nasrallah expressed his murderous dreams like his ideological father Khamenei, and again, in his mind's eye, the criminal sees us, the Israeli public with its elders and children, carrying suitcases, huddled in ports and airports, on our way to our death march. Even if these lines seem dramatic, they are still not as dramatic as the Lebanese criminal's dream.
The fight against the threats of annihilation may be long, and perhaps the Israeli public reaction will not put an end to it. But we will know as a public that we do not agree to get used to this, and we never will. And we will put an end to it. And this very cognitive refinement, following which perhaps an institution will be established that can express the public and the Israeli society, and not only its parties, will bring a new social purpose out of a psychopath's dream. This institution can be called Beit Atseret Am.