

After the meeting with Putin: the oppressor Khamenei quotes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

"The Western powers are a mafia," Iranian leader Khamenei said this week at the Ayatollahs' Conference to mark the 43rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Like the Russian anti-Semites who falsified the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Iranian oppressor who returned and threatens to destroy Israel added about the Jewish connection to the Western mafia: "The reality of this (Western) power is a mafia. At the head of this mafia are the prominent Zionist merchants, and the politicians obey them. The US is their showcase, and they are spread out everywhere."
It is not known for sure whether the recent mentions of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the Iranian political system (the current mention cited above and another mention we brought here recently), stem from the tightening of Iran's relationship with Russia, which is the birthplace of the Protocols, which were forged by the Russian secret service at the beginning of the last century. But it is possible that in his twisted and poisonous way, the anti-Semitic Iranian leader is corresponding with the Russian security establishment. In any case, the words were said a few days after Khamenei's meeting with Russian President Putin.
Khamenei's words, which are quoted in the Iranian press, place this press in the same line as the press that liked to quote them the most, since the twenties of the last centur, it is the press of Germany in the years 1933-1945, headed by the newspapers Der Stürmer and Völkischer Beobachter, which brought to expression the deepest low point of humanity since the dawn of history.
The story of the Jewish merchants who secretly planned to take over the world is the central motif of the Russian abomination, and it was used by the German murder industry during World War II, as a justification for exterminating a third of the Jewish people. In this context, it is possible to understand the warlike Israeli political behavior towards Iran, which repeats and clarifies its goal which is the destruction of Israel, since the entire Jewish people, and not only the State of Israel, has pledged that there will not be another genocide. And despite what is said here, the lofty goal of Netzah Israel requires Israel to reach a political agreement with all the powers of the Middle East and its countries, including Iran. Israel must therefore open a political dialogue with Iran.