Hubris: Not for the day after, not for a commission of inquiry, not for the end of the war, with fanatical parties and a prime minister who blames his responsibility on the IDF, with an angry Mizrahi electorate and revenge for the Ashkenazi racial attack against him, with "journalists" on behalf of, with political media, publicists and lobbyists in the television studios, With the transfer program, which is a crime against humanity, contrary to the Geneva Convention and the Oslo Accords, the Israeli government has once again led to the strengthening of Hamas and Islamo-Nazism
The war that began with the fundamental hubris of the attempt to annex the West Bank, and to tamper with the judiciary to pave the way for the annexation, found the IDF ready with war plans, and the Israeli public ready with infinite internal strength. Israel could therefore exit the war, as early as January 2024, only three months after the destruction of October, when all its enemies are defeated, including the deadly Islamo-Nazi organization that carried out genocide on southern Israel. But then it became clear that the government, even though it brought Israel to the brink of destruction on October 7, still does not let go of its attempt to turn the war into a move to annex the West Bank territories, and this time also Gaza. Backed by journalists on behalf of, and media outlets that are political party bridgeheads, the government continued to pursue its goal; This time even through a crime against humanity, a transfer that goes against the Geneva Convention, the Oslo Accords, and the values of the Jewish people, When the side which must be left to the enemy to retreat, in the laws of war, is now interpreted to show the battered population the way open to the ships.
By Mati Cohen
On an ultra-Orthodox news site, a photo of Defense Minister Katz "sitting" with the General Staff was published yesterday. According to the publication, the subject of the meeting is the requirement of Minister Katz of the IDF to prepare a plan for the "voluntary" evacuation of the residents of Gaza. This photo may in the future be evidence in an international trial, on the way to convicting the IDF of a crime against humanity. The order of Minister Katz, if indeed it was given, is an order that has a black flag flying over it; The IDF's legal system must immediately submit an opinion on this to the Chief of the General Staff, so that if it turns out that this is an illegal order, The Chief of Staff will be able to warn about this publicly (see today in the editorial).
The move of the transfer has already brought the foreign ministers of Turkey and Egypt to meet again this week. The idea gives the two regional powers the pretext to continue planning the future campaign against Israel with less secrecy (see today in the diary section of our exclusive report on March 10, 2024, about the introduction of missiles into Sinai contrary to the peace agreement with Israel), about the alliance between Turkey and Egypt which was born in the war, We reported here in detail. Since American President Trump is now creating a certain rift in US relations with Europe, Europe is promoting its relations with Turkey and with the new Middle East that Turkey is planning with Egypt. This is evidenced by an increasing European willingness to supply Turkey with the Eurofighter, a 4.5 generation fighter plane.
Turkish UAV factories and development institutes are already establishing cooperation with similar institutes in Italy. It is clear that if Europe paves the way to Turkey, to the European cultural center, Turkey's power to bring about change in the Middle East, at the expense of the State of Israel, will increase wonders. Since the end of World War I, Europe has rejected Turkey's attempts to be part of Europe. It is possible that one politically unwise move by an American president and a zealous Israeli government, They will pave the way for Turkey to become an undisputed European Middle Eastern power. The Iranian progress in assembling a nuclear bomb on a ballistic missile is also not understood well enough in our estimation in the White House. Iran is increasing development now, in order to bring Sunni Turkey and Egypt a dowry, which will lead to its integration and the integration of the Shia into the Turkish Caliphate in the Middle East.
This week, photos of Hamas members handing out money to the residents of Gaza were published on social media. Hamas makes a point of photographing its forces, polished in uniform, and their white vehicles, arranged in rows, reminding the Israeli public of the invasion on the day of the October 7 genocide of the residents of the south. This money, or at least a large part of it, was earned by Hamas in short investments in the Israeli economy, on the eve of its attack on the south. Here we reported on it in detail in two exclusive articles in the last month. Hamas received the profits in Bitcoin, through straw companies that operate in Israel, and the money is used by it to take advantage of Israel's mistakes, and to strengthen itself despite the defeat it suffered from the IDF. Now, as mentioned, Hamas is also using this money to strengthen its image and its hold among the Palestinian public both in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.