Three major events heralded Turkey's new grip on the Middle East, a grip which it devised in cooperation with Egypt; the events pave the way for Turkey to carry out its policy of political confrontation with Israel, on its way to cultural and military control in the Middle East.
The first important event, although not the first chronologically, is the green light given by President-elect Trump to Turkey to establish a new political order in Syria, when he ignores its ambitions to establish a new religious order in the Middle East (or maybe he doesn't and he believes that Turkey will be an agent of US policy in the Middle East ).Why do we say that Trump ignores, Because Turkey on the background of its imperial history, And from its ambitious independent political behavior under the leadership of Erdogan, in our estimation, it will not comply with US policy when it contradicts its Islamic policy; it is doubtful that this is what the president-elect intended, and it is doubtful that he considered the deep religious aspect of Turkey's current political behavior. On the hint sent by Erdogan that he received from Trump Green light, see today again in the main story.
The second event clarifies the essence of the axis through which Turkey intends to achieve its goals in the Middle East, at least the initial ones: the meeting of Erdogan and Sisi in Turkey, about two months ago, on the eve of the Turkish entry through the Muslim Brotherhood into Damascus. According to the publications, al-Sisi said after the meeting that we are witnessing the blossoming of relations between the countries. The meeting also had a military aspect, when it was agreed on the supply of Turkish drones to Egypt. The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria (and the West Bank and Gaza in the form of Hamas), They are an identical political and ideological community, in our estimation it may make it clear to the military government in Egypt, sooner or later, that the possibility of Turkey replacing its support with religious support for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, is more suitable for its religious and cultural values. It could be the same way that Turkey owns the Middle East for 500 years, by misrepresenting mirages and being misled – or as Erdogan calls this characteristic – patiently. In this case, the phrase "support of a weak reed" (משענת קנה רצוץ) which was born in relation to Egypt's shaky support for King Hezekiah of Judah in the eighth century BC, may also clarify its full meaning regarding Turkey to Egypt in the future; However, it is very possible that Egypt also intends to use Turkey, just as Turkey intends to use it. Turkey's current political and military power exceeds that of Egypt.
The third event is Abu Mazen Erdogan's meeting about four months ago in Turkey, where a memorandum of understanding between Turkey and the "Palestinian government" was agreed upon. Through this memorandum, Turkey opened the possibility for Hamas to be part of the Palestinian government, and in the same breath established the additional point of friction with Israel (in addition to the possible point of friction in the Syrian arena). Turkey is already closing in on Israel from three directions, from Syria, the West Bank and Sinai through the warming of relations with Egypt. An Arab source told us yesterday that Turkey strives to promote its goals, regarding the rule of Sunni Islam in the Middle East, which will replace Iran's intentions with the rule of Shiite Islam. According to the Turkish Palestinian Memorandum of Understanding, the Interior Ministries of the two political entities, Turkey and the Palestinian Authority, will work to promote the Memorandum. This section raises a practical and real possibility for a Turkish presence in the West Bank, in the future, or maybe even already in the present. At the moment we do not know who is implementing the memorandum of understanding in the West Bank and Gaza on behalf of Turkey and its Ministry of the Interior.
Mati Cohen