

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies


The kidnapped children of Yemen, the kidnapped children of the south, and the despised party politics

In September 1997, I published in Channel 2 news, the most important exclusive journalistic story that appeared in the Israeli press since the dawn of the revival. Looking at the camera without hesitation and without doubt, Menachem Porush detailed the 4 main points of the child abduction case from the families of immigrants from Yemen. The validity of Porosh's words was expressed by his life story: he was one of the generations of the founders of the state; He was aware of every detail during Israel's establishment and in its first decades; And also because Porosh was by nature a very sharp and very involved person: 1. Porosh told why the children were kidnapped (out of racial patronage) 2. He told who kidnapped the children (elements in the Aliyat Hanor organization) 3. He described how the kidnappings were done (through social workers) 4 Porosh also said that Ben-Gurion knew about the kidnappings because he himself told him ("Ben-Gurion did not believe"). Below is the video address: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xc-vtTHGmM), and you can watch the short and focused interview I had with Porush after the investigation I did.

The contemptible politics of the parties that established the State of Israel, so deeply concealed the atrocities against the Yemeni immigrants, that even the commissions of inquiry established over the years failed to bring to the public a clear and official solution to the abductions, backed by legal evidence. However, this case will resonate even in 100 years, until a solution is found.

Against the background of the kidnapped Israelis who are actually dying in the tunnels of Gaza these days, we all now understand more deeply and emotionally why the story of the children kidnapped from the Yemenis, is the most important story in the cultural sense and in the sense of the Jewish/Israeli heritage, that has reached the public arena. Israel has nothing, and has never had, anything more important than its communities. Israel was a society from the dawn of its rise, long before there was sovereignty, a state and a political entity; So it is even now despite the political noises of sovereignty. This is why even when the sovereign home was destroyed in the past, Israel continued to exist. This is a unique phenomenon that even we Israelis are amazed when we think about it.

The central values ​​of the despised partisan political system of the last century, which put an end to this Israeli Jewish essence, can also be found in the current despised political system, which again, like then, conveys its movements through inferior political considerations and damned political interests; And all this instead of seeing them under the exclusive, disposable lives of the tender children of the Bibas family, and under the lives of the entire Bibas family, or under the lives of girls like Naama, like Agam and under the lives of the 101 Israelis who wish for Israel to be Israel, and not a wretched and extreme group of politicians who feel that they are bringing Messiah times through "total victory".

This is the reason why we believe since the beginning of the war that the end has come for the current party-political system, as the hegemonic public structure of Israel that has existed since the beginning of the state. Israel, which is a society long before being sovereign and a state, deserves a communal political system that will express its essence. In our view, this is about the establishment of an upper house of electors, next to the Knesset, in which the public sat as the hegemonic democratic component, And the public will not sit in it as parties but as individuals, from the communities of all Israel, and not once every four years, but will supervise its public systems all year round, and will make sure that in the value sense as well as in the practical sense, Israel will forever remain Israel, clinging to its values, its essence, its feelings, its heritage, its writings and history . A history that is now being turned into dust by the fanatical government.

 Mati Cohen