

Hamas agrees: PA forces will train in the US in preparation for entering Gaza

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

Hamas is ready for an Israeli presence at several points in Philadelphy, in exchange for a withdrawal from the Rafah crossing

A Palestinian security source said this weekend that Hamas agrees to a compromise in Philadelphy, and the organization also agreed that a Palestinian force that is not from Hamas, but from the Palestinian Authority, will train in the US in preparation for its entry into Gaza and the assumption of power in the Strip, including control of the crossings, including the Rafah crossing. In exchange for the complex compromise, Hamas demands that Israel compromise, and withdraw from the Rafah crossing, which will be captured by an all-Palestinian force without foreign military involvement. According to the source, Hamas agreed that the power would be the Palestinian Authority's and not Hamas' power; In our estimation, Hamas gave its consent in exchange for the organization to be involved in the details of the formation of the force. According to the source, Israel's answer to this compromise has not yet been delivered to the mediating countries. We do not know for sure that the consent of Hamas was transferred to the US, but since according to the source the US agreed to train a force of the Palestinian Authority in preparation for entering Gaza, our assessment is that the whole move is coordinated with the US, and the Biden administration is now waiting for the answer of Benjamin Netanyahu and his government for a compromise offered. The Palestinian source who gave us the news proved to us in the past to be reliable and knowledgeable in the negotiation arena.

 The Israeli Palestinian Post


Yahya Sinwar is now taking a compromise move, which will affect Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah and Iran, and the post-war Hamas organization. The move described here is coordinated with the Palestinian Authority, which, according to the Palestinian source, received a promise from Saudi Arabia that Saudi Arabia will not go for any normalization with Israel, even after the war, as long as the road to a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not paved. If Saudi Arabia keeps its promise to Abu Mazen (which was apparently given with the knowledge of the US), Sinwar's move will not lead to the collapse of the independence of the Palestinian governing systems, but will deepen and sharpen it; This is the reason that Sinwar is not ready for the presence of a foreign force in the Gaza Strip, but only for a Palestinian force, so that it can be used to justify the war he started, in the Palestinian domestic arena. According to the source, Saudi Arabia demanded from Abu Mazen that he reform the Fatah movement in such a way that the movement once again includes members whom it rejected and restricted their steps in the past, for example Muhammad Dahlan. Apparently, Sinwar also stands behind this demand, with the intention that the alliance he made with Fatah members, for example with Marwan Barghouti (an alliance we reported here), will be able to take over the PLO and return Hamas to the center of the Palestinian political arena through the back door.

A compromise moves in the Philadelphy axis, in exchange for a compromise in the Rafah crossing, will affect all sides in the war of iron swords. First about Israel: about Israeli internal politics, and about Israel's position in the West, if it rejects the proposed compromise. In addition, the move, if accepted by Israel, will sever the immediate military connection between Hamas and the axis of Iran and Hezbollah, since the compromise proposed by Hamas no longer contains any stipulation that Israeli agreement to a compromise in Gaza will include Israel's agreement to cease fire in the north as well. The move will of course also affect the Palestinian Authority and will upgrade its political status as the only legal government in the entire Palestinian territory.