

A security system that has a state, takes moves that have political significance

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

We do not know who the Israeli senior official is who sat with al-Sheikh and the head of Palestinian intelligence and agreed with them on the arrest of wanted persons to be carried out by the Palestinian Authority; The news that we published here last week reached us from a Palestinian source, and the IDF did not respond to it even though we asked for his response. We know that this is a senior member of the security system; The Palestinians said that Israel violated the agreement they reached with it, regarding the arrest of wanted persons, even before their forces left Nablus, which they entered to fulfill the agreement. al-Sheikh’s anger could be heard this week when he expressed himself very harshly towards Israel; The event presented him as lacking political talent and damaged his status as the expected successor to Abu Mazen. According to the Palestinians, Benny Gantz violated the agreement in practice (see previous issue); We do not know if Gantz is also the person who sat down and concluded things with al-Sheikh and Faraj (the head of Palestinian intelligence). Violation of a political agreement and a political agreement is a political move that is not under the authority of the IDF, nor is it under the authority of the Minister of Defense, unless he has received the approval of the government. In some cases, the Minister of Defense can only obtain the approval of the Prime Minister. Israel's main current problem is that its governments are disabled and unstable, for example the Lapid Bennett government.
Entering Palestinian cities with troops, contrary to a political agreement, is not an event of military significance only, but also political and even mainly political. The failure of the current political system, whose dismal results are, as mentioned, disabled governments, leaves an empty space. The security system is forbidden by the law and by the basic democratic rules to fill this empty space, not even in areas that seem gray. It is within the power of the IDF, in military and technological terms, to surround the territories of the PA, and to close the crossings to Israel. This is not an assessment but information. Additional protection, as recently decided on the settlements beyond the Green Line, may prevent acts of terrorism on the eastern side of the Green Line as well. Today there was another attack near Alon Mora in Samaria. A taxi driver who was on his way to pick up Pupils in Kfar Tapuah, was shot by Palestinians from the ambush and was slightly wounded.
It should be said, the Palestinian government has earned the Israeli contempt expressed in this event, for weighty reasons (whose impact on the security situation in Israel is decisive), for example the dictatorial governmental corruption of Abu Mazen and his political associates, which created four different Palestinian social groups, and is at the root of the social chaos that is ruling the West Bank; The first group is the Fatah movement in Ramallah which sits on a mountain of cash and public positions, and whose gap with the other Palestinian social groups is almost incomprehensible. The other groups created by the corrupt Palestinian government of Abu Mazen and Fatah are the poor people of Nablus and Jenin, who pump up the power of Hamas, which is trying to overthrow Ramallah and take over its rule, and the Islamic Jihad and Iran, who want a front with Israel; We recently received a reminder of the dictatorship of Fatah and Abu Mazen's group in the threat that was passed on to Jibril Rajoub (see news about it here also in a previous issue), according to which his blood would be in his head if he ran against Hussein al-Sheikh (about this threat, and an extension about the Palestinian internal war see in the side column on the right).