

Biden to Abu Mazen in Bethlehem: "To fulfill all your political wishes, a Messiah needs to come"

עיתון בין אויבים

A newspaper among enemies

"There is a limit to how much I can pressure Israel," added the American president and told Palestinian Authority President Abbas, near the time he made his founding statement regarding a Palestinian state (see previous issue). The intention of the American president was probably that he could detail his vision regarding the Palestinian state that would be established, as he did, but he cannot take practical political steps, for example opening the American consulate in Jerusalem, separate from the embassy. The political reality in which the American president is trying to create a new Middle East, with the aim of driving a wedge between the countries of the eastern axis, including China, Russia and Iran, increases the power of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinians in this case pay the price; From this derives Biden's words quoted in the title, and which were said to Abu Mazen very close to his statement: "To fulfill your political wishes, a messiah needs to come (again)." It is likely that Biden prepared the sentence he would say to the Palestinian president before his arrival in Bethlehem, with the words referring to the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem, in a kind of linguistic refinement.

tipp learned that Biden did not give his far-reaching statement regarding the Palestinian state that would be established to Abu Mazen in a letter, and it remained a statement hanging in the air, as a speech only. Apparently, the Palestinian organizational failure, which did not pay enough attention to the far-reaching significance of a written and addressed statement in the political act, aligned with Biden's desire not to cause a crisis with Israel; It is possible that in a different political reality, the Americans would have handed the Palestinians a letter addressed to the PA president in the spirit of Biden's statement in Bethlehem.